Thursday, June 3, 2010

Growing in English 110

I have always been interested in writing, reading, and language in general. When it was time to schedule for my first college English course, I was so excited, but also a little nervous. Was I as good at writing as I thought I was? Was it going to be extremely hard and would I absolutely hate English class? These fears and anxieties were settled within the first few weeks of class, and even though I knew I had some work to do, I was excited and ready to learn.
I think one of the most important things to remember is that you have to be open and willing to take in the new things that you are going to learn, and you cannot be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. When an assignment was given to me that I wasn't fully comfortable with, my first instinct was to take a step back, and sometimes I would try for a while, and then want to throw my hands up. With some encouragement and feedback from my instructor and classmate, as well as some determination to be successful in the course, I was able to fully submit myself to the assignment. The funny thing was, those were the assignments that I got the best grades on. It taught me that when I really pushed myself to think and analyze the work I was doing, and spent some time putting my thoughts together, it paid off and I earned the points.
When entering into English 110, just stay focused, go to class (that is actually crucial), and really decide that you are going to dedicate yourself to the homework, extra practice, and the papers. If you ask for help, take constructive criticism, and really step out of your comfort zone, you'll produce wonderful writings and be successful in the course! Not to mention, you'll have fun!!!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mac and Tomato Sauce

During this course, we have discussed foods and foodways, and how they relate to different things. When I think of my family, the one dish that always brings my sisters and I together is Macaroni and Tomato Sauce. Elbow macaroni noodles, tomato sauce, and a little salt, pepper, and even sugar, and you will find all of us at the kitchen table. It is the one food that we all agree that we love to eat, and during our meals, there are always fun, interesting conversations that create bonding between us. This is a food that is close to my heart, as well as the heart's of my sisters.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Two is the New Four and Zero is the New Two

Hey all!

Because I am majoring in Psychology, and would like to specialize in Eating Disorder treatment, I have chosen to focus on this issue for my PSA.

I chose to use the clip 'Corn Chowder' from the movie 'The Devil Wears Prada', because it is a perfect example of the pressures and emphasis placed on size, numbers, weight, and food! In this clip, we are given the impression that the models of this company eat nothing, because of the 'size' issue, and that size is more important than the food eaten necessary to fuel your body.

Again, this is another clip from The Devil Wears Prada, and the clip is sending off the same message as the previous one: Size matters. In this clip we have a large closet full of beautiful, expensive, designer clothes, and the only people who can enjoy it are the sizes '2 and 4'. I believe this clip again just makes a point to say that it is important and makes you better if you are a lower size... Even though these sizes are normally unattainable and often times dangerous.

In case you're not catching my drift, the amount of pressure put on being a certain size and looking like a runway model is completely ridiculous, superficial, dangerous, and absolutely pointless. I feel like this is one of our most prevalent PROBLEMS in society and in the media targeted at young women, and this needs to be fixed!!!!!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome to Haylea's Happenings

Hey dolls!

Welcome to my English 110.01 Blog! I am so excited about this, because I love writing and blogging. Most of my blogging experience relates to fashion and celebrity news and gossip, so the food realm is all new to me... Well, at least blogging about food is new to me. Everyone who knows me knows that Nana over here loves to eat! :)
When I think of a fond, food related memory, the first idea that enters my mind is my wonderful times spent with my best friend, Allison. Now, it's not that Allison eats and eats so that food makes me think of her! It's the role that food plays in our moments together. During our high school years, before college life separated us by hours, Allie and I spent the majority of our time together. We were inseparable, and always had so much fun. Want to know what we did most of the time for fun? We watched the scariest movies we could find. Often times, we would go to whoever the Blockbuster clerk was that evening, and rent every scary movie that they recommended. They were profitting, so obviously sometimes they spouted off movies that Al and I had to literally fast forward through they were so awful. Not to mention any names... Quarantine!!! Do not even get Allie started on this movie. Okay, so now that I have strayed off topic, the second most fun activity that consumed our time was eating! We would make things and order things! It would excite us so much! Cookie Heaven (I don't even know what it is called or how to describe it other than phenomenal), pizza, popcorn, anything and everything!There was something so fun and supportive about eating with Allie. We were too busy laughing to even take into account some of the daily struggles like calorie counting or 'watching our figures.' The thoughts of food and numbers as a bad thing so often enter our minds, as they do most young girls in America. (Don't get ME started on this, because I'll go off the deep end! The 5'9, 100 pound models, NOT OKAY. FAD DIETS: Dangerous and disgusting. Eating disorders: Hell on earth.) Despite all of the media, the pressure, all of the people telling girls to be super skinny, this was a time that we could do what most human beings love to do, EAT, and ENJOY THE FOOD!
The memory of having a meal with Allison means a lot to me, and has helped me move forward to a healthy place in my life where I can enjoy food and have a wonderful relationship with it. Think about it: It can be SO miserable hating your time spent with food, because it is so prevelant in our culture; it is what we do! EAT!
What does food mean to me? A means to nourish and fuel my body, first and foremost. But it can mean so much more if you let it! An activity you can share with your friends and family. A friendly conversation over lunch, bonding with mom while cooking the dinner desserts! My message to you: Embrace food. Embrace the happiness it can bring into your life, and incorporate it into your life so that you can find the enjoyableness of it all! Eat away, kids!!!

Lots of love and prayers your way!
